[reSIProcate] Re: [sipX-dev] SIP stack

Scott Lawrence slawrence at pingtel.com
Mon Apr 10 06:52:01 CDT 2006

On Mon, 2006-04-10 at 10:54 +0800, jiawei wrote:
> resiprocate seems to be a more up to date version of the SIP stack
> will it eventually replace sipXtackLib to be part of the sipXtapi SDK?

There is no one (that I know of) working on that.

Scott Lawrence  tel:+1-781-938-5306;ext=162 or sip:slawrence at pingtel.com
  sipXpbx project coordinator - SIPfoundry    http://www.sipfoundry.org/sipX
  Chief Architect             - Pingtel Corp. http://www.pingtel.com/

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