[reSIProcate] Suggestion for better logging

John Draper lists at webcrunchers.com
Sun Apr 9 13:13:45 CDT 2006

Scott Godin wrote:

> Log entries that output the entire SipMessage already have CRLF’s in 
> them (one after each line of the SipMessage). The proposal is just to 
> add a CRLF before the first line of the sip message to make the logs 
> easier to read. Are people using grep and relying on the first line of 
> the sip message being on the same line as the rest of the log entry?
I'm not - but it would be nice if the lines are not so long. What about 
making the option available to not display
the full paths of the files?... I don't have the luxery of a nice 40 
inch monitor capable of viewing really long
lines in the log output.


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