[reSIProcate] Suggestion for better logging

John Draper lists at webcrunchers.com
Sun Apr 9 13:08:34 CDT 2006

Matthias Moetje - TERASENS GmbH wrote:

> Hi,
> just a little suggestion to improve logging:
> I think it would be much easier to read the log files
> if there would be a newline printed before each logged
> SIP message.
> Currently you must always scroll horizontally to get
> the most important part (method/response code).
> What do you think? I'm not familiar enogh with the
> stack code to know all places where this would
> have to be changed...

On the subject of logging...  I know it's important to
put the full path of the files,  but is there an option
for turning it off?...   Matthias's ideas for putting
a newline is also going to help - sometimes I miss a lot
of important details in these logs because the lines are
so long,  but they can be shorter if I just snip my path
to root on "resiprocate".  


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