[reSIProcate] Setting via headers for STUN

Joe Liao joe.jhliao at gmail.com
Wed Apr 5 21:40:56 CDT 2006

Hi Matthias ,
   I saw this problem on thread before as below,
But i can't see what's the conclusion there.
Hope this helps.

Best regards,

2006/4/5, Matthias Moetje - TERASENS GmbH <moetje at terasens.com>:
> Hi,
> I am currently encountering a problem while implementing
> STUN support:
> When I adjust the via headers for sending an invite to
> the discovered mapped ip address and port, the
> TransportSelector tells that it is unable to determine
> a matching transport. This is because it uses the first via
> header to determine a matching transport.
> How can I work around this (change the via but use the
> actual local IP and port for transport selection)?
> Best regards,
> Matthias Moetje
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