[reSIProcate] problem with In-Dialog SUBSCRIBE(Re-posting )

basavaraj.puttagangaiah at wipro.com basavaraj.puttagangaiah at wipro.com
Sun Apr 2 23:05:10 CDT 2006


Hi All

 I am reposting my old question...any help will be appreciated

I am using SUBSCRIBE/NOTIFY support provided by resiprocate.

It works fine for fresh subscriptions which will create new Dialog.

In this case if SUBSCRIBE is sent with an Event-package which is not

existing it clearly sends "489 Event Package Not Supported".


But if Dialog already exists and SUBSCRIBE is sent within the Dialog

assertion fails in ServerSubscription.cxx as follows.



virtual void   resip::ServerSubscription::dispatch(const 

resip::SipMessage&): Assertion `handler' failed.


Checking for supported Event Package is not made.


Why is the check not there like how it is for Out-of-Dialog SUBSCRIBE?

why assertion is provided instead of that?



Thank you



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