[reSIProcate] Convert NameAddr into Data

Robert Mansfield RJM at Redwoodtech.com
Mon Mar 27 01:58:48 CST 2006


Not sure it's the best way but the Data class has a member function 'from'
that allows creation of a data object from a template. Any class with an <<
operator should be able to be used as the template parameter so

NameAddr contact;

	const char* p = Data::from(contact);

should work..


-----Original Message-----
From: Lorenzo [mailto:webmaster at frascati1.org] 
Sent: 24 March 2006 16:02
To: Resiprocate
Subject: [reSIProcate] Convert NameAddr into Data

which is the best method to convert a NameAddr (or a URI ) into a Data 
(and then into a string with c_str() ) ?

Thank you,

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