[reSIProcate] sanityTests -- messages sent to the wrong UA

Dale R. Worley dworley at pingtel.com
Sun Mar 26 20:40:20 CST 2006

I'm trying to debug a sanityTest that I've written for request routing,
and I see messages like this:

WARNING | 20060326-213212.034 | maine.pingtel.com | sanityTests | RESIP:TEST | 17967 | 3031563184 | TestSipEndPoint.cxx:2763 | derek has no associated Sequenc\
eSet: discarding event SipEvent: SUBSCRIBE sip:derek at;transport=UDP SIP/2.0
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-d87543-ddfe5f3f3931813e-1--d87543-;rport=5060
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-d87543-e511144e1f0f2376-1--d87543-;rport=5060
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP maine.pingtel.com:5069;rport=5069;branch=z9hG4bK-d87543-d52e5f569678c619-1--d87543-;received=
Max-Forwards: 19
Contact: <sip:cullen at;transport=UDP>
To: <sip:u at localhost:5060>;tag=e42ace5d

I'm no expert in the sanityTest framework, but it seems to me that what
has happened is that a request was routed to a UA for which I did not
specify a Seq().  If I'm correct, why is this logged as a WARNING rather
than ERR?  It's surely as significant that a message was sent to where
it shouldn't be as that a message was not sent to where it should be.


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