[reSIProcate] Invite with no SDP
Scott Godin
slgodin at icescape.com
Fri Mar 24 08:26:45 CST 2006
You must be using an old version of the stack. This has already been fixed in SVN.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: resiprocate-devel-bounces at list.sipfoundry.org [mailto:resiprocate-
> devel-bounces at list.sipfoundry.org] On Behalf Of Sergio García Murillo
> Sent: Friday, March 24, 2006 8:17 AM
> To: resiprocate-devel at list.sipfoundry.org
> Subject: RE: [reSIProcate] Invite with no SDP
> The problem was caused by the ClientInviteSession constructor just added a
> NULL check for sdp and everything works perfectly
> ClientInviteSession::ClientInviteSession(DialogUsageManager& dum,
> Dialog& dialog,
> const SipMessage& request,
> const SdpContents* initialOffer,
> ServerSubscriptionHandle
> serverSub) :
> InviteSession(dum, dialog),
> mLastReceivedRSeq(-1),
> mStaleCallTimerSeq(1),
> mCancelledTimerSeq(1),
> mServerSub(serverSub)
> {
> assert(request.isRequest());
> if (initialOffer)
> mProposedLocalSdp = InviteSession::makeSdp(*initialOffer);
> mInvite = request;
> mState=UAC_Start;
> }
> -----Original Message-----
> From: resiprocate-devel-bounces at list.sipfoundry.org [mailto:resiprocate-
> devel-bounces at list.sipfoundry.org] On Behalf Of Sergio García Murillo
> Sent: viernes, 24 de marzo de 2006 11:28
> To: resiprocate-devel at list.sipfoundry.org
> Subject: [reSIProcate] Invite with no SDP
> I want to send and INVITE request with no SDP.
> I have tried calling mDum.makeInviteSession with a NULL sdp content, but
> it fails. How can I do it?
> Thanxs in advance
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