[reSIProcate] Why limit only one ENUM DNS Server????

Jason Fischl jason at counterpath.com
Wed Mar 22 09:49:05 CST 2006

The interface is set up to handle it but there is some medium amount
of effort to actually make this work. Do you have time to add it in?


On 3/22/06, FrankYuan <frankyuan at emergent-netsolutions.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> SipStack::setEnumSuffixes(const std::vector<Data>& suffixes)  means that
> DNS Stub can handle more than one ENUM DNS servers since it is a vector
> data type.
> When I put two ENUM DNS servers, it always core dump because there is an
> assert to force the size to  be one or less. What's the reason? Can we
> support more than one ENUM DNS?
> Currently there are two popular ENUM DNS servers: e164.org and e164.arpa.
> Here is the code to set the limit:
> void
> DnsResult::lookup(const Uri& uri, const std::vector<Data> &enumSuffixes)
> {
>    DebugLog (<< "DnsResult::lookup " << uri);
>    //int type = this->mType;
>    if (!enumSuffixes.empty() && uri.isEnumSearchable())
>    {
>       mInputUri = uri;
>       mDoingEnum = true;
>       std::vector<Data> enums = uri.getEnumLookups(enumSuffixes);
>       assert(enums.size() <= 1);
> ..........................................................................................................
> --
> Thanks
> F Yuan
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