[reSIProcate] Source difference between Subversion Source Code Browser & Public Tarball Archives

Joe Liao joe.jhliao at gmail.com
Sun Mar 19 20:44:01 CST 2006

Hello All,
       I have been using the resiprocate-0.9.0-5019.tar.gz from Public
Tarball Archives for a while and works well, but I need to integrating
the STUN support into current application.
       From what i saw , there are STUN stack and test code under
Subversion Source Code Browser , which locate at
/main/resip/stack/stun and main/rutil/stun.
       But it seems many difference beween two source code
architecture , can anyone give me some hints that how to integrate
these functionality between two source code or what's the relation
between them?

Best Regards,

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