[reSIProcate] the size of resip stack.

Alan Hawrylyshen alan at polyphase.ca
Sun Mar 19 14:25:39 CST 2006

On 2006.03.18, at 16:50 , John Draper wrote:

> Alan Hawrylyshen wrote:
>> On 2006.03.16, at 13:48 , John Draper wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I'm wondering why my resip stack is 98 megs in size.  I know I  
>>> have  symbols and
>>> debug code added,  but even with that,  should it be 98 megs in  
>>> size?
>>> This is the size of the .a file after building it with X-Code 1.5

You mean gcc

>> Symbols.
>> The library size is closer to 3MB.
>> 2.7M of text and about 390KB of data.
>> A
> I think I mentioned I was getting a non-symbol size of 6.5 megs...   
> But here is the confusing part.
> After building my entire application,  the total size is 3.9  
> megs...  Go Figure...  What's going on here?
> Strange...

Not at all.

> This is on the Mac in case others are interested in this.  I guess  
> I should take this up with the
> X-Code mailing list....   Still waiting for the response.   I'll  
> post it if I think it's interesting to
> the others in this list.

Teaching you about linkers and linkage editors is beyond the scope of  
reSIProcate. It is also beyond the scope of the X-Code list. This is  
a basic computer science question that Google may be able to help you  
with, certainly any basic course on language translators and code  
archiving would cover this topic.

 From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linker :

"... [L]inkers can take objects from a collection called a library.  
The advantage of such a collection over a single big object is that  
the final program does not include the whole library, only those  
objects from it that are needed (define relevant symbols). ..."

Please keep your posts on topic (SIP and/or reSIProcate).

Alan Hawrylyshen

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