Fwd: [reSIProcate] AppDialogSet Memory Leak

Kevin Pickard kpickard at upstreamworks.com
Tue Mar 14 07:52:01 CST 2006

         Hello everyone. I posted this a week ago but no one has responded. 
Before I go and write what I think is missing code, can someone let me know 
if I am even on the right track?

>Date: Wed, 08 Mar 2006 12:06:11 -0500
>To: <resiprocate-devel at list.sipfoundry.org>
>         Hello everyone.
>         We have encountered a problem that is resulting in a memory leak 
> due to AppDialogSets that are no longer being used but never getting 
> released/destroyed. I have taken a look at the DUM source and have 
> identified the reason it is happening. It looks like the code for 
> handling our particular scenario has not been completed. So I am 
> wondering if what we are doing is correct and the code has just not been 
> written yet or if there is a better way of handling this situation.
>         Basically the scenario is that we create a SUBSCRIBE request via 
> Dum.makeSubscription() passing in our own AppDialogSet. We then send the 
> request. Now the device we are subscribing to never responds (for 
> whatever reason) and the request eventually times out with an internally 
> generated 408 SipResp. In this simple situation DUM eventually calls 
> destroy() on the AppDialogSet and things get cleaned up nicely.
>         The problem occurs if we try to kill the request *before* the 
> timeout occurs. We are currently calling end() on the AppDialogSet to do 
> this. This results in the state of the underlying DialogSet being set to 
> WaitingToEnd. Now when the 408 timeout response is then generated, it 
> eventually gets passed through to DialogSet::dispatch() for processing. 
> As can be seen from the code shown below, using a Release build, the 
> resulting action is to do nothing. With a debug build it will assert(). 
> In our scenario mState is WaitingToEnd and the last method was SUBSCRIBE.
>         So are we doing the right thing? Is it just a matter that no one 
> has written the handling code for SUBSCRIBE yet? The code for handling 
> the same situation for INVITE is present and I would expect that the 
> equivalent code for handling the SUBSCRIBE situation would be similar. 
> Otherwise, is there a better way of killing the pending SUBSCRIBE?
>         Thanks.
>DialogSet::dispatch(const SipMessage& msg)
>    assert(msg.isRequest() || msg.isResponse());
>    if (mState == WaitingToEnd)
>    {
>       assert(mDialogs.empty());
>       if (msg.isResponse())
>       {
>          int code = msg.header(h_StatusLine).statusCode();
>          switch(mCreator->getLastRequest()->header(h_CSeq).method())
>          {
>             case INVITE:
>                if (code / 100 == 1)
>                {
>                   mState = ReceivedProvisional;
>                   end();
>                }
>                else if (code / 100 == 2)
>                {
>                   Dialog dialog(mDum, msg, *this);
>                   SharedPtr<SipMessage> ack(new SipMessage);
>                   dialog.makeRequest(*ack, ACK);
>                   ack->header(h_CSeq).sequence() = 
> msg.header(h_CSeq).sequence();
>                   dialog.send(ack);
>                   SharedPtr<SipMessage> bye(new SipMessage);
>                   dialog.makeRequest(*bye, BYE);
>                   dialog.send(bye);
>                   // Note:  Destruction of this dialog object will cause 
> DialogSet::possiblyDie to be called thus invoking mDum.destroy
>                }
>                else
>                {
>                   mState = Destroying;
>                   mDum.destroy(this);
>                }
>                break;
>             case SUBSCRIBE:
>                assert(0);
>                break;
>             default:
>                break;
>          }
>       }

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