[reSIProcate] Build systems.
Alan Hawrylyshen
alan at polyphase.ca
Thu Mar 9 11:44:58 CST 2006
On 2006.03.09, at 09:28 , Cullen Jennings wrote:
> In the past this has been a huge waste of time. I will explain why
> I say
> waste. A huge amount of time has been put in to trying to make auto
> tools
> work and and it has never delivered something that works. If people
> want to
> continue wasting time on this on a branch, I don't care but it
> needs a very
> clear set of QA goals before it gets moved to mainstream.
> I agree "make install" needs to work, but as far as I can tell, it
> works.
> If there are some real problems, I'm glad to solve them. If the
> problem is I
> wish I could make autotools works - well, there has been plenty of
> work on
> this and I imagine it can continue.
Just to be clear, I'm not advocating autotools. If the resiprocate
community is willing to change our code so that it supports more
architectures and code in a way that is a little bit more platform
agnostic, then we don't likely need autotools. I'm just worried about
making dynamic libraries on many platforms. Perhaps this is quite
simple and it won't be a problem.
As for the current system. We do not have an installable library.
Sure, something gets installed, but woe to the application writer
that is unaware of how reSIProcate was compiled, or what version of
reSIProcate it is. Some ABI versioning and site-local customizations
need to be installed too. (NOT config.h). :-)
We are close and it may well be that the fast-path to getting this is
to expand our current build system. That would be great.
I just worry that ABI versioning + dynamic libraries == 90% of what
autotools will do. I think our problem with autotools is that nobody
on the project at the time we bit it off was 'an expert'. I'm hoping
we might have one today, hence my call to arms. :-)
I just want a product we can package and have other applications use
if it's installed on a system.
Detailed requirements for the build system will hopefully fall out of
this discussion -- I am aware that once upon a time we had a list of
requirements for giving autotools the green light. We never made it
that far, either through lack of effort or possibly ignorance or lack
of familiarity on our part.
Let's see where we are at today so we can start 'installing' our
fantastic SIP stack.
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