[reSIProcate] bug with encoding extensionHeaders on Power_Macintosh

Dale R. Worley dworley at pingtel.com
Wed Mar 8 14:09:06 CST 2006

On Wed, 2006-03-08 at 00:05 -0500, Bruce Lowekamp wrote:
> Hmm,  I can probably track down why there is a difference between the
> platforms, but I'm not sure I believe it's valid.  Given this BNF from
> 3261:
> extension-header  =  header-name HCOLON header-value
> and reading the beginning of 7.3:
> Specifically, any SIP
>    header whose grammar is of the form
>       header  =  "header-name" HCOLON header-value *(COMMA header-value)
>    allows for combining header fields of the same name into a comma-
>    separated list.
> it looks to me like extension-header's can't be COMMA separated.

I think most people take the syntax of "extension-header" as being a
place-holder, a warning to implementors that additional headers must be
parsed, if only to be ignored.

People will interpret 7.3 as applying to any additional header whose
official definition has the comma-delimited form.

Which means that if resip changes its behavior for a header based on
whether 7.3 applies, it needs to know, for every header it sees, whether
to apply 7.3 or not.

> Anyway, if it is legal syntax, then shouldn't resip be parsing them as
> separate headers so I can iterate over them properly?  This is
> actually what caused me to start poking around at this.  Right now my
> header reading code consists of two loops:
> iterate over header(h_Foos) {
>   split on commas{
>       process each piece
>   }
> }
> It works fine, but it's a bit ugly.

Do you have to do this for headers defined in 3261 for which 7.3
applies, such as Contact?


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