[reSIProcate] Overhead in ServerAuthManager

Daniel Pocock daniel at readytechnology.co.uk
Fri Mar 3 16:39:10 CST 2006


I've introduced some more new virtual functions to ServerAuthManager.hxx:

      typedef enum AuthFailureReason
           InvalidRequest,      // some aspect of the request (e.g. nonce)
                                // is not valid/tampered with
           BadCredentials,      // credentials didn't match
           Error                // processing/network error
      virtual void onAuthSuccess(const SipMessage& msg);
      virtual void onAuthFailure(AuthFailureReason reason, const 
SipMessage& msg);

At various points in ServerAuthManager.cxx, these functions are called, 
so that application specific code in a derived class can log the failure 
reason, do diagnostics, etc.

I realise that not everyone might want this functionality.  Does anyone 
feel that calls like this create enough processing overhead to justify 
use of #ifdef or similar mechanisms to selectively enable this behaviour?



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