[reSIProcate] Turning on DebugLog; also routing

Scott Godin slgodin at icescape.com
Wed Mar 1 09:09:12 CST 2006

> What is the Right Way to turn on output from the DebugLog macros?  I'm
> running sanityTests, and it looks like the DebugLog messages are not
> being output.

Look for Log::initialize.  It looks like sanitytests get the log setting
from the commandline:  "-v DEBUG" should work.

> Also, how is the routing intended to work?  Does repro iterate through
> all the routes and choose the first one that matches, or does it
> the request according to all routes that match?

Repro iterates through all routes and adds a target for each route that

> (And if the latter, how
> does one specify a rule "All XXX that are not also YYY"?)

I don't really understand.  The routes use Perl Compatible Regular
Expression (PCRE) matching.


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