[reSIProcate] Sending a BYE to an incoming call

Hong Yu hyu at metreos.com
Fri Feb 17 14:03:13 CST 2006

How about using end() to terminate it?



From: Peter White [mailto:peterw at diaphonics.com] 
Sent: Thursday, February 16, 2006 8:17 PM
To: resiprocate-devel at list.sipfoundry.org
Subject: [reSIProcate] Sending a BYE to an incoming call




In working with resiprocate I have run into a problem in which I am able
to send a BYE properly to a call generated by my sip stack, however, on
an incoming call to my application, I am unable to send either a BYE or
a CANCEL. I am able to send out response messages, such as trying and
ringing, but when I try to send a BYE nothing is sent. Is there any
reason as to why I would be able to terminate an outgoing call (from my
application) and not an incoming call? Any help would be greatly




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