[reSIProcate] Let me try at re-explaining things....

John Draper lists at webcrunchers.com
Tue Feb 14 23:37:59 CST 2006

In my earlier message titled "Specifying actual sip server..." I tried
to explain how to tell the transport that I don't want to resolve
the hostname in the "From" field,  instead I want to specify a
raw IP address to the transport.

Right now,  I'm using....

  clientDum->addTransport(UDP, 5060);

This was what was in the "test" code.  I'm assuming the code then must
resolve the domain name into an IP address, because the IP address it's
trying to "register" to is NOT the SIP server.  I need to somehow
override this, and seek advice on the best way to do this.

I see the addTransport in the DUM takes additional arguments then
what was used in the "test" code.

DialogUsageManager::addTransport( TransportType protocol,
                                  int port,
                                  IpVersion version,
                                  const Data& ipInterface,
                                  const Data& sipDomainname, // only used
                                  const Data& privateKeyPassPhrase,
                                  SecurityTypes::SSLType sslType)

One of the input arguments is "ipInterface",  so if I put the SIP server IP
in this argument,  would the transport use it instead of trying to get it
from resolving the hostname in the "From" header?

IE:    clientDum->addTransport(UDP, 5060, "");

Anyway,  this is my best guess...


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