[reSIProcate] Ringing party then cancelling before they answer

John Draper lists at webcrunchers.com
Tue Feb 7 03:25:13 CST 2006


I have just about every aspect of the SIP stack working now.
I can initiate calls,  both incoming and outgoing, and I'm now
doing the loose ends,  like dealing with cancelling the call
under a number of conditions.   IE:  During the period the
phone is ringing...  During the period the call is in progress,
etc.  I got it to properly tear down the call after the call is
made (incoming or outgoing).  It's just the part where I
want to abort the call before the remote party answers.

I have this piece of code....  it gets executed when I CANCEL a call
while the other party is ringing...  myUAC is my handler.

            ClientInviteSessionHandle cis;

            cis = myUAC->GetCisHandle();
            NSLog(@"Outgoing call cancelled");

This eventually calls code in ClientInviteSession.cxx (approx line = 215)

      case UAC_Cancelled:
         WarningLog (<< "Try to reject when in state=" << 
toData(mState));   <--- it gets here

Try to reject when in state=UAC_Early     <--- log says...

What if I'm not in that state,  then what is the proper procedure I use 
to cancel out
on the call....  my onProvisional callback has just been called,  the 
other party is ringing
at this point.  It stays in this state until the called party or sip 
server on remote end
times out.  

Or, am I supposed to override the reject, and handle it my way.... 


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