[reSIProcate] added support for suppression of REFER method implicit sbscription based on draft-ietf-sip-refer-with-norefersub-03

Daniel Shi daniel at counterpath.com
Mon Jan 30 16:07:55 CST 2006



The following changes were made to suppress the implicit subscription with
the REFER method based on draft-ietf-sip-refer-with-norefersub-03:


1.	A new header called Refer-Sub was added in the stack.
2.	An extra parameter was added to the refer methods in InviteSession.
3.	Two new methods called acceptReferNoSub and rejectReferNoSub were
added to InviteSession to accept or reject a refer without implicit
subscription requests.
4.	A new callback onReferNoSub was added in InviteSessionHandler. This
callback will be called upon receiving a refer request with Refer-Sub field
is set to false.


The changes have been commited revision 5830.





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