[reSIProcate] Stack test code

Byron Campen bcampen at estacado.net
Fri Jan 27 10:28:24 CST 2006

	Nope, repro is a resip-based proxy/registrar. Its registrar duties  
are handled by dum, but for the proxy functionality (see 3261 Sec 16)  
it works directly with the resip stack. I don't think it would be  
helpful in providing examples of what to do when trying to design a  
dialog-conscious UA, since it doesn't keep track of dialog state  
(that is left to endpoints). In any case, right now it is in main on  
svn. (It used to be in the resip directory)

Byron Campen

> Byron Campen wrote:
>> repro will be a better test registrar to play with. That stuff in  
>> the test directory is kinda sparse, and hasn't been messed with in  
>> a while.
> Is repro a set of examples showing how to use resip?   If so, where  
> can I find it?
> John

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