Follow-up: Re: [reSIProcate] How to send "100 Trying" to an INVITE message?

C Y bunnahnah2 at
Fri Jan 27 06:12:26 CST 2006

Again, thanks Daniel. That sort-of works.

I am still finding that in between getting an INVITE
and sending out the "100 Trying", reSIProcate is
taking a long time (about 6 seconds - meaning at least
2 INVITE re-sends) to send out the "100" message, and
then immediately after that send out the "180" (both
which are called by me in onNewSession). 
Does this mean that reSIProcate is too busy to send
out the 100 message?
Is there a way to improve this, or is it part of the
RFC (if it is, I haven't found the relevant section)?
My impression is that the server is expected to send a
100 immediately (to stop re-INVITEs), and then take
its time sending the 180.


--- Daniel Pocock <daniel at>

> C Y wrote:
> >Hello,
> >
> >I am finding that my reSIProcate stack (the UAS) is
> >not sending any "100 Trying" to an INVITE?
> >I am seeing that my Proxy Server is re-sending
> >until reSIProcate responded with a "180 Ringing",
> >because there is no intervening "100 Trying". 
> >  
> >
> Get the InviteSession:
>     ServerInviteSession *sis = ...
> and send provisional:
>     sis->provisional(100);
> >Is there a way to force reSIProcate to send a "100
> >Trying"?
> >
> >Thanks.
> >
> >Chee
> >
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