[reSIProcate] Parameters into Extension header
webmaster at frascati1.org
Thu Jan 26 09:00:25 CST 2006
Hi all,
I want to insert a new exstension header (Proxy-to-ProxyAuthenticate)
for testing pourpose.
I want this header like standard Authenticate header of SIP but I have a
I create the extension header correctly and I set some parameters
(p_algorithm = MD5, for example) and I'm sure that is included into the
message (I'm able to print it on video). When I "encode" the whole
message into a string with the functun you told me in the last email
(Data::from(msg); cout << from.c_str(); ) I can't see the parameters
(not even the message). Just the word "true" is printed.
With a function that I made (and that I append) I'm able to print the
message with the new header too, but without the parameters.
Is it a bug or my fault?
Best Regards,
resip::Data msg2str(SipMessage* msg){
resip::Data& DatatoSend = msg->getEncoded();
resip::DataStream encodeStream(DatatoSend);
encodeStream.flush(); // pronto per partire
return DatatoSend;
and in a main:
resip::Data mydata = msg2str(msg);
cout << mydata.c_str() <<endl;
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