[reSIProcate] What's going on?

John Draper lists at webcrunchers.com
Tue Jan 24 00:27:22 CST 2006


Below is a description of the problem I'm having with issuing an Invite 
to our SIP server.  The partial code fragment explains the problem.

ClientInviteSession::dispatchStart (const SipMessage& msg)
  assert(msg.header(h_StatusLine).statusCode() > 100);
  assert(msg.header(h_CSeq).method() == INVITE);

  InviteSessionHandler* handler = mDum.mInviteSessionHandler;
  std::auto_ptr<SdpContents> sdp = InviteSession::getSdp(msg);

  InviteSession::Event event = toEvent(msg, sdp.get());
  switch (event)
     case On1xx:
        handler->onNewSession(getHandle(), None, msg);    <--- Here is 
where it calls my InviteHandler.
        if(!isTerminated())         {

My Invite handler's "onNewSession" handler

InviteSession::OfferAnswerType oat, const SipMessage& msg)
   cout << ": ClientInviteSession-onNewSession - " << msg.brief() << endl;
     // gets the status line of this message,  should be 200 OK.
   // but this is how you get it if you need it.
   int code = msg.header(h_StatusLine).statusCode();  
   // save the data coming in.
   // registerHandle = h;
   reqresponse = msg;              <--- I break just before calling 
this,  then "Step over",  and get following..
     [mBridge status:@"Inv: Attempting to connect"];

<--------  RESULT --------->

Since the "=" is an override...  I eventually get here....  Not 

SipMessage::operator=(const SipMessage& rhs)
  if (this != &rhs)
     this->cleanUp();      <---- and here is where things get interesting.

Does this mean the code is trying to delete the object on the LEFT side of
the "=" if they happen to be different?   In this case,

  for (int i = 0; i < Headers::MAX_HEADERS; i++)
     delete mHeaders[i];   <---- Crashes here with  i=0
     mHeaders[i] = 0;

Am I to assume, the problem is in the statement....

reqresponse = msg;

Since "=" is overridden,  according to the code I see above,  why would 
it try to
first delete reqresponse?

Is that intentional, or am I mis-using the resip stack?   If I am,  I 
can certainly
believe it, since no such document describes what I'm to do....

By the way,  in my "onNewSession" handler,  I'm getting back a 180 AFTER 
getting a 200 OK.   Is this what it's supposed to do?


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