[reSIProcate] URI encoding - # symbol

Daniel Pocock daniel at readytechnology.co.uk
Sat Jan 21 06:46:09 CST 2006

I notice in RFC 2396, section 2.4.3, that the # symbol is supposed to be 
excluded from URIs.

This symbol is commonly used in telecoms, as it is one of the buttons on 
a DTMF keypad.

It appears that reSIProcate escapes this symbol (Uri.cxx) as %23 when 
writing the URI into a SIP header.

However, many other products behave differently - I've just tried 
sending a call to a carrier using Nextone, and they don't recognise the 
escaped #.  Asterisk sends them the # un-escaped, and they accept the call.

- is it maybe a good idea to patch Uri.cxx so that the application can 
override escaping behaviour, eg, the application could provide a \0 
terminated list of characters not to escape?

- has this issue already been discussed elsewhere?  I realise I am new 
to this list and may have missed something obvious.



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