[reSIProcate] look for contractor on VOIP/SIP in SF bay area

Daniel Pocock daniel at readytechnology.co.uk
Thu Jan 19 16:23:46 CST 2006

>This is a short-term experimental research project (up to ~6 mon) which
>will evaluate existing open source VOIP/SIP solutions, implementing
>a working VOIP prototype and potentially set up a VOIP/PSTN gateway.
>If you are experienced in this area (and preferrable have cross-dev
>embedded experience as well), please contact me for further details.
>We are located in San Jose, CA.
>Sorry for this occasional abuse of list.  Cheers.

I'm just curious, will some of the work be going back into the open 
source community?  If that is the case then posting to the list is not 
such a bad thing.
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