[reSIProcate] is there any presence server using resip?

Aziz Sever aziz.sever at argela.com.tr
Wed Jan 4 13:23:52 CST 2006

For one of our product we need a presence server. This product is using
resip as a sip stack.
I remember that there was a proposal to put presence support in resip. Is
there any such presence server
using resip? If not will anyone recomend a presence server having SIMPLE

Thanks in advance.


Aziz Sever
ARGELA Technologies
Phone   : +90 212 328 12 48 / ext:130
Fax       : +90 212 328 12 47
E-mail   : aziz.sever at argela.com.tr
Address: ITU Ayazaga Kampusu, Koru yolu, Teknokent
Ari II Binasi, A Blok Kat:6 34469 Maslak ISTANBUL-TURKEY

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