[reSIProcate] shutdown stack and DUM.

papatel at varaha.com papatel at varaha.com
Fri Dec 23 02:16:54 CST 2005

Hi All,

	I have got some memory leaks after shutdown DUM and stack regarding timers
and for added transport.

	Application have one Stack Thread which is responsible for process DUM as
wall as SipStack.

	- Stack Thread derived from ThreadIf class of reSIP

	p_clientDum = new DialogUsageManager(*p_stack);
	p_mStackThread = new CSIPStackThread(p_stack,p_clientDum);  
      // additional code
	p_mStackThread->run();  //responsible for process DUM and SipStack



	is it right...? 
	have any reliable way then this..?

Thanks & Regards,
Parag Patel

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