[reSIProcate] Eerlier, you wrote...

John Draper lists at webcrunchers.com
Wed Dec 21 18:28:54 CST 2005

You wrote:

 >Try using of setOverrideHostAndPort () method of Profile class (see
It stores your Contact header in Master profile and uses it in all
appropriate cases.

//* Set Contact's fields
Uri ContactUri;

 >ContactUri.scheme () = Symbols::DefaultSipScheme;
 >ContactUri.host () = your address
 >ContactUri.port () = your port
 >ContactUri.user () = your user
and so on

 >Profile->setOverrideHostAndPort (ContactUri);

 >Don't forget to create an instance of MasterProfile that is inherited
from UserProfile and Profile classes.


Do I do this code to make sure the 180 Ring response has the
"Contact" in the header?


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