[reSIProcate] Contact missing in 180 response...
John Draper
lists at webcrunchers.com
Wed Dec 21 13:01:22 CST 2005
Alexander Altshuler wrote:
>Contact header is not always mandatory in 180 responses.
>But if response create dialog( has To tag ) Contact header is mandatory -
>discussed case.
Were you referring to the response I'm getting back in my 180 ring
response, or my initial request that has to have the "Contact" header.
>Early in the list was discussion about dum bug:
>Dum assumed that any 180 responses must contain Contact.
>I don't know is it fixed so far.
Is this what it's supposed to do? Where is the workaround.
Has it been fixed in the cvn copy? Since I can't get "cvn" to
work on this mac, is there a record of the fix somewhere I can
just "copy" from the web site access and paste into my code?
Does anyone happen to remember the approx date this was
discussed in the list? Are the archives up on the site?
Is the fix simple? A few lines of change? or is it major?
And most important of all, is there a work around, and how
can I insert the "Contact" field, and when?
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