[reSIProcate] The Lifetime of a DialogSet

John Draper lists at webcrunchers.com
Wed Dec 21 01:52:14 CST 2005


After I issue the Invite request using the DUM,  it properly creates a
DialogSet, and my DialogSetHandler gets called back,  but what am I
supposed to do when I get an "onSucess" to an invite?   Am I done
with the DialogSet at this point, and can get rid of it?  I'm just
issuing an Invite to a single recipient at this point.  

Do I also have to shut down and delete the DumThread at this point? 
What is the proper "tear down" sequence when I'm finished with my
Dialogset?   Do I take things down in the order I created them?

Or,  is the DialogSet supposed to stick around for the duration of the
call and to be deleted when the call is terminated?


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