[reSIProcate] Back to ares!!

shen jinti jinti.shen at gmail.com
Thu Dec 15 08:32:03 CST 2005

On Thu, 15 Dec 2005 12:14:47 +0800 (CST)
姗 薛 <newstoic at yahoo.com.cn> wrote:

> Dear Experts,
>   I read some letters from julien thai here, who ported resiprocate to wince about half a year before, and realize perhas I ignored lots of things and don't understand what does "port" mean exactly. So I decided to tell you the problems I met while porting ares, and what did I do. Please don't hesitate to point out my mistakes and tell me what's the right way?
>     1.First of all, I ported ares project to Wince(use evc4.0), sys/types.h and some other .h files could not be found.
>      I copied sys/types.h from .net 2003 to wince and modified #defines of ares files and sys/types.h
>   2.could not open "io.h","errno.h","fcnl.h". 
>      There is no such files in wince. I know someting about their founctions but not comprehensive, so I did as follows:
>      a.Copied "errno.h" and "fcnl.h" from .net 2003 to wince;
>      b.Copied "io.h" from wcecompact to wince;
>   3.In forum, a man named julien thai said "string.h" in wince has declaration of strdup, I checked "string.h" in my wince, there is only one line:#include "stdlib.h". How come? And it seems that when you include "string.h" in wince, it cannot include "stdlib.h" successfully, so some functions in "stdlib.h" such as "strdup" and "stricmp" cannot be found.
>     I don't know why but using the "string.h" from .net 2003 in wince,  strdup and stricmp can be found.
>   4.another function getenv() is not declaration in "stdlib.h" of wince. I don't know how to deal with it.
     你可以在ares_init.c中移除 init_by_environment 以及在ares_search.c中移除 single_domain 中getenv("HOSTALIASES") 这几行,这些代码只在类unix的系统中有效,win32一般不使用这种方法,或者你使用_WIN32_WCE这个宏把代码注释掉。
>   5.there is no windns.h in wince. Is it necessary for resiprocate? don't know how to  sovle this problem.
>   Now, I can successfully build ares lib in wince without errors but 4 warings. But the problem is although I added .h files to wince, it doesn't mean Wince sys has the founctions. Is there any way to test ares? What should I do? 
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    希望看不懂中文的人不要骂我,我不应该在这个邮件列表上用中文回复。 :D

      jinti shen

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