[reSIProcate] Thank you! and here's a question about Poll.hxx

姗 薛 newstoic at yahoo.com.cn
Wed Dec 14 09:34:41 CST 2005

Hi, all,
  Thank you very much for your advice, really helpful, especially for a rookie like me.
  I'm gonna try .net 2005, it seems much easier according to what Leon said. Is that mean with .net 2005 there is no problem on I/O or other aspacts?However, before I get .net 2005, I won't give up EVC4.0. 
  I set the path, so those files in "resiprocate/" can be found now. Here comes a strange error today in "Poll.hxx":use of undefined type 'Poll'. Such error points to  routines like 
  fdsbmAll            = Poll::FDEntry::fdsbmReadable |
               Poll::FDEntry::fdsbmWritable |
  which are in "class Poll". Is there anyting wrong with it? It seems like a grammar error, actually, just above the error line, there is"see declaration of 'Poll'", so I don't understand why this error happened. What do you think? Thank you!

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