[reSIProcate] HELP!Still port resiprocate to WINCE(evc4.0)

Dmytro Bogovych subscribe at satorilight.com
Wed Dec 14 01:28:34 CST 2005

On Tue, 13 Dec 2005 15:25:53 +0200, 姗 薛 <newstoic at yahoo.com.cn> wrote:

> 1.  Cannot open include file: 'resiprocate/os/xxx.hxx' or Cannot open  
> include  file: 'resiprocate/xxx.hxx'.    I changed them into  
> 'os/xxx.hxx'  or 'xxx.hxx', it seems to work, but I still don't know why  
> EVC cannot find the path.

See Tools->Options->Directories

Do you use sources from tarball release or SVN? I'd recommend to use SVN -  
they have another directory layout. You will need to make additional work  

> 2.Cannot open include file: 'iostream' or Cannot open include file:  
> 'iosfwd' and some other errors concern "io".   I heard that EVC doesn't  
> support iostream, but don't know much about i and don't know how to deal  
> with this problem.

Look at OpenH323 project - they have small iostream replacement for WinCE.  
But this replacement is not enough to build original resiprocate. More  
#defines... I had to disable logging to get build as logging routines use  
iostream and templates heavily. I'm using my own log routines now.

The main trouble is free 2005 VC++ isn't capable to generate ARM code.

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