[reSIProcate] HELP!Still port resiprocate to WINCE(evc4.0)

Leon Thrane sipfoundry-1 at thrane.net
Tue Dec 13 13:51:41 CST 2005

I spent some time back in the spring porting resiprocate to EVC4 and managed to port all but a handful of recursive template expansions. VS2K5 beta came out at the time when I was futzing with the recursive template expansion and decided to drop it in favor of VS2K5. The work involved in hand-unrolling the template expansions seemed too big vs. the risk of using a beta compiler. I've had no problems with the VS2K5 compiler and would wholeheartedly recommend that you use that rather than evc4. YMMV. VS2K5 is released and there is even a "free" version available at MS website although I don't know if it will work for windows ce/mobile projects.


-----Original Message-----
From: resiprocate-devel-bounces at list.sipfoundry.org [mailto:resiprocate-devel-bounces at list.sipfoundry.org] On Behalf Of frank zhao
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2005 9:11 AM
To: ? ?
Cc: resiprocate-devel at list.sipfoundry.org
Subject: Re: [reSIProcate] HELP!Still port resiprocate to WINCE(evc4.0)

     I don't know exactly how to solve your problem. But I think your can take the following step:
1. Try to download the newest resip stack from svn. Because for all I knows, some directory architecture has changed since resip 0.9.
2. check the your makefile on evc4.0 platform. In most situation, "can't find file" always means that you set the incorrect search path in your makefile.
3. iostream are used in resip, If EVC can't support it, I don't konw how to do.

在 05-12-13,姗 薛<newstoic at yahoo.com.cn> 写道:
> Hi,
> I wrote some #defines and also, added some files to EVC's "include". 
> Now ares lib can be built successfully without errors, but 4 warnings 
> which can be ignored.
> I'm trying to port the second project "resiprocate" to EVC, here's 
> some typical errors I met.
> 1.  Cannot open include file: 'resiprocate/os/xxx.hxx' or Cannot open 
> include  file: 'resiprocate/xxx.hxx'.
>     I changed them into 'os/xxx.hxx'  or 'xxx.hxx', it seems to work, 
> but I still don't know why EVC cannot find the path.
> 2.Cannot open include file: 'iostream' or Cannot open include file: 'iosfwd'
> and some other errors concern "io".
>    I heard that EVC doesn't support iostream, but don't know much 
> about it and don't know how to deal with this problem.
> And l'm looking forward to your advice to above questions. Thank you, 
> thank you a lot for help!
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