[reSIProcate] Timer running after registration - Is it useful?
Scott Godin
slgodin at icescape.com
Wed Dec 7 11:48:28 CST 2005
Yes the timer is for registration refreshes and you must call stack
process and dum process in order to give dum and the stack cycles to do
any work. Normally you should be calling process in some kind of loop -
there is a lot of info on the wiki about this.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: resiprocate-devel-bounces at list.sipfoundry.org
> devel-bounces at list.sipfoundry.org] On Behalf Of Yong, Chee Yeew
> Sent: Wednesday, December 07, 2005 12:44 PM
> To: resiprocate-devel Devel
> Subject: [reSIProcate] Timer running after registration - Is it
> Hello all,
> After I have completed a registration with the SER, I am finding that
> sets up a timer. I would like to know if someone can suggest what's
> usefulness of this timer. I attached the Debug printout (relevant item
> 2nd last) below:
> =========== start of debug printout ========
> DEBUG | 20051207-171725.847 | c:\Test.exe | RESIP:DUM | 3252 |
> DialogUsageManager.cxx:1493 |
> Looking for dialogSet: f330f24d10070115 at UEMxMTg1Mw..-ef452c29 in
> DEBUG | 20051207-171725.857 | c:\Test.exe | RESIP:DUM | 3252 |
> DialogUsageManager.cxx:1494 |
> [f330f24d10070115 at UEMxMTg1Mw..-ef452c29 -> 0039A9C8]
> DEBUG | 20051207-171725.857 | c:\Test.exe | RESIP:DUM | 3252 |
> DialogUsageManager.cxx:1395 |
> DialogUsageManager::processResponse: SipResp: 200
> contact=user at / 2 from(wire)
> DEBUG | 20051207-171725.877 | c:\Test.exe | RESIP:DUM | 3252 |
> DialogId.cxx:50 |
> DialogId::DialogId: f330f24d10070115 at UEMxMTg1Mw..-
> ef452c29a546667ff0304408d6cbea9f94abe364.b154
> DEBUG | 20051207-171725.887 | c:\Test.exe | RESIP:DUM | 3252 |
> DialogSet.cxx:665 |
> findDialog:
> f330f24d10070115 at UEMxMTg1Mw..-ef452c29-
> a546667ff0304408d6cbea9f94abe364.b154
> in []
> DEBUG | 20051207-171725.907 | c:\Test.exe | RESIP:TRANSACTION | 3252 |
> TimerQueue.cxx:105 |
> Adding application timer: DumTimeout::Registration
> sip:user at mylab.com:
> duration=63 seq=1
> INFO | 20051207-171725.917 | c:\Test.exe | RESIP:APP | 3252 |
> sipclientregistrationhandler.cpp:26 | Client Registration ->
> SipResp: 200 tid=8a1e1c01d853fe1b cseq=REGISTER
> contact=user at / 2 from
> (wire)
> =============== end of debug printout =============
> I am guessing that this timer is used for refreshing my registration.
> how is it triggered?
> Do I have to call DUM.process() or Stack.process()?
> Thanks in advance!
> Chee
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