[reSIProcate] resiprocate and B2BUA

Alan Hawrylyshen alan at jasomi.com
Wed Dec 7 10:51:43 CST 2005

On 2005.12.06, at 09:48 , Mohammad Farooq wrote:

> Hi guys,
> I am new to SIP and obviously new to resiprocate. I am trying to  
> build a
> very simple B2BUA prototype. All this B2BUA does, at start up it
> registers with the IP PBX and from there on it receives request  
> from the
> PBX and after making some changes to the header fields, it sends it  
> back
> to the PBX.

Hi Farooq; A B2BUA usually sits between two user-agents (or a user- 
agent and a proxy, which is nearly the same thing).  In your case,  
you are describing something a bit different, but I'm just being  
pedantic and making sure you want to do exactly what you are  
describing. To register yourself is to behave like a user-agent.

>         B2BUA           IPPBX
>           |REGISTER       |
>           |-------------->|
>           | OK            |
>           |<--------------|
>            INVITE
>           |<--------------|
>           |INVITE         |
>           |-------------->|
>           |               |
>           | So on         |

To resend / rewrite an invite could be b2bua behavior or proxy  
behavior. You might want to describe your goal and we might have a  
better idea what to suggest (if anything at all) :-)

> I would appreciate if someone points me to the right direction and
> explain me what tools are available in resiprocate to achieve this
> simple task. Any working example will be very helpful.
> One more question, what is DUM? Is this a glorify name of an user  
> agent?
> Thanks in advance.

The DUM is the Dialog Usage Manager; a fairly obscure name that from  
RFC3261's point of view is a Transaction User. DUM let's you focus on  
writing various kinds of user-agents (like a registration maintainer,  
a session negotiation package (for INVITE / Offer /Answer sessions) etc.

Have you seen the wiki? The wiki and RFC3261-3265 are really helpful  
in getting up to speed on reSIP.


Alan Hawrylyshen
reSIProcate Project Administrator
a l a n a t j a s o m i d o t c o m

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