[reSIProcate] Interest in a coding party?

Scott Lawrence slawrence at pingtel.com
Wed Dec 7 08:10:13 CST 2005

On Wed, 2005-11-30 at 13:04 -0500, Scott Lawrence wrote:

> I've been doing some exploring of how the sipXpbx project can
> incorporate some resiprocate technology.  Dale Worley and I have done
> some work on incorporating bbridge (a feature we'd like to have done
> for the sipXpbx 3.2 release), and I've also done some very preliminary
> work on using repro as the proxy component.  Each of these efforts
> (especially the latter) have suggested some areas we'd like to work
> on.
> Pingtel is offering to host (secure space and network connectivity
> for) a coding session on our about the week of February 6th in the
> Boston area (we're open to moving that to a different time if it makes
> it better for people).  We're particularly interested in the areas
> above, but other efforts (1.0 release?) are welcome too.
> Is there interest?  Is that time good?  Reply on-list or privately...

I've received a couple of expressions of interest, but not enough yet to
go ahead with.  I'd like to hear from people about whether:

- there is interest but more information on goals is needed.

- there is interest but more time is needed to get approvals.

- there is interest but the time is bad (and if so, what would be
better; I'm quite flexible in this regard).

Silence will be taken as total lack of interest under any circumstances,
so if that's you just hit delete and forget it.

Scott Lawrence  tel:+1-781-938-5306;ext=162 or sip:slawrence at pingtel.com
  Consulting Engineer - Pingtel Corp.  http://www.pingtel.com/
  sipXpbx project coordinator - SIPfoundry  http://www.sipfoundry.org/sipX

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