[reSIProcate] SDP Contents not getting created.....
frank zhao
frankzhaohb at gmail.com
Wed Dec 7 07:19:26 CST 2005
I think you should call it like this:
sdp = new SdpContents(hfv, type); <---- But this is the problem for me.
Because sdpArray is a local variable allocated on stack. On leave
this function, the memory will be released. After called
sdp->checkParsed(), a memory will be created for sdp object on heap.
2005/12/7, John Draper <lists at webcrunchers.com>:
> Hi,
> I'm having a problem creating an "sdp" record prior to my INVITE
> request. The code below is supposed to create an "sdp" record
> and insert my IP address in it. Note the <----- indicating line
> of interest and narration afterwards.
> void
> InviteClient::Create_sdp(char *myDestURI)
> {
> char *mysdpString;
> char sdpArray[2048];
> char *sdpstr = &sdpArray[0]; <---- I do this to make it easier
> to examine.
> // Make a "to" NameAddr
> NameAddr to(myDestURI);
> Data host(to.uri().host());
> const char *ipadr = [mBridge getMyIP]; <---- Gets my IP as a
> dotted string.
> int result = sprintf(sdpstr, "v=0\r\n\
> o=- 0 0 IN IP4 %s\r\n\
> s=WhitePhone Mac\r\n\
> c=IN IP4 %s\r\n\
> t=0 0\r\n\
> m=audio 10976 RTP/AVP 0 8 3 97 101\r\n\
> a=rtpmap:0 pcmu/8000\r\n\
> a=rtpmap:8 pcma/8000\r\n\
> a=rtpmap:3 gsm/8000\r\n\
> a=rtpmap:97 speex/8000\r\n\
> a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000\r\n\
> a=fmtp:101 0-15\r\n", ipadr, ipadr);
> txt = new Data(sdpstr); <----- Checked the data, it appears to
> be the "sdp" rec.
> hfv = new HeaderFieldValue(txt->data(), txt->size()); <----
> Checks out OK.
> Mime type("application", "sdp");
> sdp = new SdpContents(hfv, type); <---- But this is the problem
> for me.
> I would presume this would go to the "Content" constructor, instead,
> It goes
> to "iostream", where "namespace std" stuff is declared.
> I'm constructing the "InviteClient" client slightly differently then the
> "test"
> example, but my call to allocate a SdpConntents object and initialize it to
> my sdp record just results in an empty "sdp".
> I'm sending this to TWO mailing lists...
> resip-devel - to address the resipricate part.
> x-Code users to address and explain how I'm intergrating C++ with Obj C.
> < rest of code not important >
> The "sdp" is an instance variable in my "InviteClient" class, defined
> (in part)
> below.
> class InviteClient : public InviteSessionHandler, public OutOfDialogHandler
> {
> public:
> bool connected;
> ClientRegistrationHandle registerHandle;
> // More instance variables
> bool done;
> SdpContents* sdp; <----- This is what I'm trying to
> populate.
> HeaderFieldValue* hfv;
> Data* txt;
> time_t* pHangupAt;
> const SipMessage& reqresponse;
> < rest not important >
> From the source level debugger, when I step into the "new
> SdpContents(hfv, type)"
> you see above, I don't get to the SdpContents constructor, instead I go to
> "iostream". Has anyone else had this problem? Can someone please shed some
> light on whats going on?
> John
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