Build TFM under FC3 (was RE: [reSIProcate] Build TFM Under VC++.NET 7.1)

Kevin Pickard kpickard at
Wed Nov 23 10:25:49 CST 2005

         I do not know what the normal/common target systems are for 
Resiprocate and whether it would be worthwhile to try to deal with these 
kind of issues. It is probably not even possible to make such a 
generalization as a "common" target. From Windows to Embedded Linux, I am 
sure the usage is quite varied.

         From a development point of view I "believe" things like Fedora 
are commonly used but I have no stats to back that up. Given Scott's 
earlier comment re. VC++ 7.1, I get the feeling that either people are not 
developing under that particular environment or they are simply not 
building the Test Framework and testing with it.

         Anyway, I just asked the question to see if it makes sense. Does 
anyone know if there is a "common" development (and also target) 
environment for Resiprocate and/or TFM?

At 05:12 PM 2005-11-22, Dale R. Worley wrote:
>On Tue, 2005-11-22 at 16:23 -0500, Kevin Pickard wrote:
> > Does it make sense to put tests for special cases such as this in
> > the Makefiles? Apparently only some distros (such as FC3) are missing this
> > link.
>Do you expect that other people will attempt to build Resiprocate using
>one of these distributions?

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