[reSIProcate] Can we add an accessor method to "internalTransport" class

John Draper lists at webcrunchers.com
Fri Nov 18 01:25:27 CST 2005


Don't you think people are going to want to get the socket file descriptor
used by the sip stack.  Our application requires needing to use the same
socket..   It is used for some specialized proprietary handshake needed
to obtain our external IP and it has to be going through the same socket
the SIP stack is using.  It has to do with customized "network discovery"
code that has to take place before "registering" with the server.

What shall we call it?    "getFD"?

Now, if there is a cleaner way to get it,  I sure would like to know,
but since I already asked that question on the list,  I presume
that either nobody knows the answer or they think I'm full
of "barnyard substance" for having the audacity of asking
such a rediculous question.   This is the first instance where I
have to change the resip stack to get it to work with my
application.   Unless......


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