[reSIProcate] AbstractFifo::getNext(int)

Kenneth Ho kenho at bluebottle.com
Wed Nov 16 19:47:47 CST 2005


A previous commit of mine on trunk resulted a block condition in 

The cause was a Fifo::getNext(0), which would be blocked until there is 
a message. I've re-commited (after the revert from scott) my previous 
patch but used 1 instead of 0 as the timeout.

But I am not sure if this is the right semantics. The question is, is 
Fifo::getNext(0) supposed to be blocking?

On the branch I am working on mostly, Fifo::getNext(0) is a nonblocking 
call if it's empty. I failed to find useful log (due to re-org) to find 
out when and why the semantics diverted.


The revert you did was unnecessary, since Fifo::getNext(0) wouldn't 
block on our branch.


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