[reSIProcate] ThreadIf

Dmytro Bogovych subscribe at satorilight.com
Wed Nov 16 06:57:19 CST 2005

On Wed, 16 Nov 2005 13:15:56 +0200, stensil <stensil at list.ru> wrote:

> Hello, All.
> In ThreadIf (for WIN32) a call to WINAPI-function "CreateThread" is  
> used. It is not recommended practice for win32-programming, AFAIK.  
> Microsoft recommends to use call to "beginthread" and "beginthreadex"  
> functions instead. They properly initialize CRT-data for each thread  
> (and "CreateThread" don't do it)...

This change should be surrounded by #ifndef _WIN32_WCE to be compatible
CE.NET and embedded VC++. There is no _beginthread call.

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