[reSIProcate] crash during handling of SUBSCRIBE response

Patel Parag papatel at varaha.com
Sat Nov 12 00:51:55 CST 2005

hi Jason Fischl,

	Thanks for response.

	Yes, I receive a 200 ok to a SUBSCRIBE without a contact. I can also see
this case in Example of RFC 3824. I have mention one Example of RFC 3824.

   A1: Subscriber (Alice's phone) ->
          Notifier (Alice's voicemail gateway)
          Subscribe to Alice's message summary status for 1 day.

      SUBSCRIBE sip:alice at vmail.example.com SIP/2.0
      To: <sip:alice at example.com>
      From: <sip:alice at example.com>;tag=78923
      Date: Mon, 10 Jul 2000 03:55:06 GMT
      Call-Id: 1349882 at alice-phone.example.com
      CSeq: 4 SUBSCRIBE
      Contact: <sip:alice at alice-phone.example.com>
      Event: message-summary
      Expires: 86400
      Accept: application/simple-message-summary
      Content-Length: 0

          A2: Notifier -> Subscriber

      SIP/2.0 200 OK
      To: <sip:alice at example.com>;tag=4442
      From: <sip:alice at example.com>;tag=78923
      Date: Mon, 10 Jul 2000 03:55:07 GMT
      Call-Id: 1349882 at alice-phone.example.com
      CSeq: 4 SUBSCRIBE
      Expires: 86400
      Content-Length: 0

Thanks & regards
Parag Patel
-----Original Message-----
From: jason.fischl at gmail.com [mailto:jason.fischl at gmail.com]On Behalf Of
Jason Fischl
Sent: Friday, November 11, 2005 11:19 PM
To: Patel Parag
Cc: resiprocate-devel at list.sipfoundry.org
Subject: Re: [reSIProcate] crash during handling of SUBSCRIBE response

You are receiving a 200 to a SUBSCRIBE without a Contact? What
endpoint is sending you this? What do people think we should do in
this case? I'm not sure what is the right thing to do here. Certainly,
we should catch the exception and not leak any state. If there is no
Contact, how can we refresh the subscription? I guess we could do
something if the expires=0 on the subscription.


On 11/11/05, Patel Parag <papatel at varaha.com> wrote:
> hi ,
>                 I am facing one problem during handling of 200 ok response
> Request. I      try to explain flow of response handling for SUBSCRIBE.
>         1)DialogUsageManager::processResponce()
>         2)DialogSet::dispatch()
>                 there is Dialog not found so, DUM create new Dialog for
>                 if (dialog == 0)
>                 {
>                         dialog = new Dialog(mDum, msg, *this);
>                 }
>                 but, problem is, response doesn't contain contact field so
> exception.
>                 if  (response.exists(h_Contacts) &&
response.header(h_Contacts).size() ==
> 1)
>                 {
>                 }
>                 else
>                 {
>                         // control will come here ... and throw exception.
>                 }
>         please any buddy give me right direction...
> regards,
> parag Patel
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