[reSIProcate] TLS Client Connect Inefficiency

Noiile noiile at hotmail.com
Tue Nov 8 19:48:12 CST 2005

Scott Godin, Hello 

why not use select() with wait up?

Noiile, noiile at hotmail.com
----- Receiving the following content ----- 
Receiver: Scott Godin 
Receiver: resiprocate 
Time: 2005-11-09, 00:19:46
Subject: [reSIProcate] TLS Client Connect Inefficiency

I’ve recently noticed that the TlsConnect code is very CPU aggressive when forming a TLS connection.  

Essentially  - while the connection is being made, there is still a message on the TxFifo for the TlsTransport - this causes the getNextProcessTimeMs func to keep returning 0 - until the connection is formed and the message is sent.  This is a tight loop in the select/process loop.

Any thoughts on how to fix this properly? 

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