[reSIProcate] 200 Ok retransmission issue

Rajat Lala rlala at varaha.com
Fri Nov 4 03:22:30 CST 2005



I am using reciprocate 0.9.0 with wince. I face a problem of retransmission
in 200 OK for INVITE request. I observe that the retransmission of 200 ok
occurs in less than 500 ms that set initially. When send 200 Ok for the
first time, Timer is set to Timer::T1 (500ms). But after sending 200 OK for
INVITE timer times out in less than 500 ms and retransmit 200 OK. I just
want to know has any body faced the same problem of retransmission of 200 Ok
or any other packets?


UA1                                          B2BUA


            INVITE                                                  INVITE



            180 Ringing                                           180



            200 Ok                                                  200 Ok
Sets Timer::Retransmit200 = 500 ms

<-------------------------------------         Waiting for ACK


200 Ok                                                  200 Ok
Timed Out < 500 ms

<-------------------------------------         Retransmit 200 Ok


            Ack                                                       Ack




Thanks & Regards

Rajat . . .


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