[reSIProcate] FW: DUM redirection bug

Micky Kaufmann micky at proxy.co.il
Tue Nov 1 02:31:37 CST 2005

Hi All,


I think there's a bug in DUM:


If someone decides not to use a redirect manager - 3xx responses are not
handled correctly!

ClientInviteSession::handleRedirect which calls onRedirected callback is
called only if there's a redirect manager!

Moreover in case of a redirect message (with no redirect manager) an
InviteSession is created.


In such a case no InviteSession should be created, the only thing to do
is to destroy the DialogSet.


I think a fix for that should be:


1. Add a callback to DialogSetHandler: virtual void
onRedirectNoRedirectManager (AppDialogSetHandle, const SipMessage&

2. Update DialogSet::dispatch function as follows:

   if (msg.isRequest())
   else // the message is a response
         case Initial:
            else if((code < 400) && (!mDum.mRedirectManager.get())) 
ndle(), msg);
               mState = Destroying;

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