[reSIProcate] it may be help full , who porting reSIProcate on WINCE

Patel Parag papatel at varaha.com
Sun Oct 30 04:04:58 CST 2005

hi friends,

i m porting reSIProcate on WINCE. i have face one problem .
Any responce message didn't contain reason. if any buddy facing this problem
then add following code.

//in Helper.cxx

Helper::makeResponse(SipMessage& response,
                     const SipMessage& request,
                     int responseCode,
                     const Data& reason,
                     const Data& hostname,
                     const Data& warning)
   response.header(h_StatusLine).responseCode() = responseCode;
   response.header(h_From) = request.header(h_From);
   response.header(h_To) = request.header(h_To);
   response.header(h_CallId) = request.header(h_CallId);
   response.header(h_CSeq) = request.header(h_CSeq);
   response.header(h_Vias) = request.header(h_Vias);

   if (!warning.empty())
      WarningCategory warn;
      warn.code() = 499;
      warn.hostname() = hostname;
      warn.text() = warning;

   // Only generate a To: tag if one doesn't exist.  Think Re-INVITE.
   // No totag for failure responses or 100s
   if (!response.header(h_To).exists(p_tag) && responseCode > 100)
      response.header(h_To).param(p_tag) =

   //response.header(h_ContentLength).value() = 0;

   if (responseCode >= 180 && responseCode < 300 &&
      response.header(h_RecordRoutes) = request.header(h_RecordRoutes);

   if (responseCode/100 == 2)
      // in general, this should not create a Contact header since only
      // that create a dialog (or REGISTER requests) should produce a
response with
      // a contact(s).

      NameAddr contact;

   if (request.isExternal())

   if (reason.size())
      response.header(h_StatusLine).reason() = reason;
#ifdef _WIN32_WCE
      Data reason(response.header(h_StatusLine).reason());
      Data &reason(response.header(h_StatusLine).reason());
      switch (responseCode)
         case 100: reason = "Trying"; break;
         case 180: reason = "Ringing"; break;
         case 181: reason = "Call Is Being Forwarded"; break;
         case 182: reason = "Queued"; break;
         case 183: reason = "Session Progress"; break;
         case 200: reason = "OK"; break;
         case 202: reason = "Accepted"; break;
         case 300: reason = "Multiple Choices"; break;
         case 301: reason = "Moved Permanently"; break;
         case 302: reason = "Moved Temporarily"; break;
         case 305: reason = "Use Proxy"; break;
         case 380: reason = "Alternative Service"; break;
         case 400: reason = "Bad Request"; break;
         case 401: reason = "Unauthorized"; break;
         case 402: reason = "Payment Required"; break;
         case 403: reason = "Forbidden"; break;
         case 404: reason = "Not Found"; break;
         case 405: reason = "Method Not Allowed"; break;
         case 406: reason = "Not Acceptable"; break;
         case 407: reason = "Proxy Authentication Required"; break;
         case 408: reason = "Request Timeout"; break;
         case 410: reason = "Gone"; break;
         case 412: reason = "Precondition Failed"; break;
         case 413: reason = "Request Entity Too Large"; break;
         case 414: reason = "Request-URI Too Long"; break;
         case 415: reason = "Unsupported Media Type"; break;
         case 416: reason = "Unsupported URI Scheme"; break;
         case 420: reason = "Bad Extension"; break;
         case 421: reason = "Extension Required"; break;
         case 422: reason = "Session Interval Too Small"; break;
         case 423: reason = "Interval Too Brief"; break;
         case 480: reason = "Temporarily Unavailable"; break;
         case 481: reason = "Call/Transaction Does Not Exist"; break;
         case 482: reason = "Loop Detected"; break;
         case 483: reason = "Too Many Hops"; break;
         case 484: reason = "Address Incomplete"; break;
         case 485: reason = "Ambiguous"; break;
         case 486: reason = "Busy Here"; break;
         case 487: reason = "Request Terminated"; break;
         case 488: reason = "Not Acceptable Here"; break;
         case 489: reason = "Event Package Not Supported"; break;
         case 491: reason = "Request Pending"; break;
         case 493: reason = "Undecipherable"; break;
         case 500: reason = "Server Internal Error"; break;
         case 501: reason = "Not Implemented"; break;
         case 502: reason = "Bad Gateway"; break;
         case 503: reason = "Service Unavailable"; break;
         case 504: reason = "Server Time-out"; break;
         case 505: reason = "Version Not Supported"; break;
         case 513: reason = "Message Too Large"; break;
         case 600: reason = "Busy Everywhere"; break;
         case 603: reason = "Decline"; break;
         case 604: reason = "Does Not Exist Anywhere"; break;
         case 606: reason = "Not Acceptable"; break;
#ifdef _WIN32_WCE								// new code added for set reason
	  InfoLog( << "set Reason..: " << reason << endl);	//
      response.header(h_StatusLine).reason() = reason;	//

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