[reSIProcate] Dynamic binding to interfaces and ports

Matthias Moetje - TERASENS GmbH moetje at terasens.de
Thu Oct 27 09:41:31 CDT 2005


I already posted this a while ago (as a reply
to another post) but I didn't receive any 
responses, so I would be thankful if someone
could comment on this or if we should rather
create our own branch of the project.

The proposal is about binding to different 
IP-Addresses, interfaces and ports in a dynamic

These are the tasks that I think might be necessary:

- add a removeTransport method
- make sure that addTransport without specified
  IP address binds to all unused IP addresses
  and does not interfere with explicit bindings
  (I don't know what the current behaviour is, 
  I haven't checked.
- maybe make sure that addTransport with an 
  explicit IP address causes resip to stop 
  listening on this ip address for existing 
  instances without explicit binding

- add a tag or name property to the transport 
  class for easy identification

- add a way to specify the transport for outgoing
  calls (either via profile or via member of 

- add functionality to retrieve the involved 
  transport for incoming calls (as member of

I would be interested in you comments about
these changes.

Thanks and best regards,


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