[reSIProcate] Autotools after the directory reorg

Jay Hogg jay at 2imagineit.net
Thu Oct 20 22:06:23 CDT 2005


I'm trying to read between the lines here so correct me if I
mis-interperted something:

Robert - You recommend we drop the autotools and fix the current build
system to handle your bullet points (plus what Scott added).  The only
other thing I would add are:
  * It needs to be able to clean up behind itself with regard to
  * Handle dependancy tracking better - it doesn't always get them right.

Scott - Your point is to pick one build system and fix it.  Autotools is
probably the better choice (article) and would address issues others
have had trying to port to different environments.

A lot of autotools "issues" have already been fixed in the source over
the last 6 months where header files tried to include config.h and some
strange dependencies on order includes in other projects. This is good.

I'm all for autotools but that is what I use every day at work although
ours are usually not real complicated in terms of compatibility and
options because they are internal.  I've worked around issues in the
current build system but I'm probably not the only one.  If I hadn't
already been running for 8 months prior to the reorg I probably wouldn't
have spent the time to find the issues with bdb when it crashed. 

Alan H, Scott G, David B, Derek, Jason, Robert S (sorry if I missed any
key people):

- If we fix/finish autotools, will you take it?

- What  bar do we have to meet for it to be "the" build system?

- What restrictions do you want to add?

- What additional issues would you like to add to see resolved?


Scott Lawrence wrote:

>On Mon, 2005-10-10 at 12:33 -0500, Robert Sparks wrote:
>>Jay -
>>I've pretty much given up on an autotools based parallel build system.
>>While there are a few things that it does that the custom build  
>>system doesn't do,
>>the warts that come with it appear to be  too much for most of this  
>>community to live with. I'm going to try to see if putting effort  
>>into getting it to do
>>those things will pay off better than trying to maintain the extra  
>>build system.
>>Among those are:
>>+ being able to build separate pieces of the project independently,  
>>    other parts that may already be built. (The current notion of all  
>>the projects having
>>    to live in particular relative places in the filesystem is  
>>something we need to address).
>>+ being able to configure against different instances of third party  
>>    (such as different versions of bdb as you were running into below).
>>    This needs to be scriptable (being able to specify everything on  
>>the configure
>>    command line is sufficient).
>>+ making sure that the resulting built libraries can be _used_ from  
>>other autotools
>>    based projects without having to "install" them.
>>What else is missing from your perspective?
>- Detecting when dependencies are missing or the wrong version.
>- Not using libtool to build shared libraries
>  This is useful because a libtool library carries metadata with it.
>  If library B uses library A, I can just declare that I'm using B
>  and it will take care of making sure that any flags needed for A
>  are included.
>I'm more than willing to help with any autotools issues, but I agree
>that it's probably pointless to shift if you're going to try to maintain
>it as a parallel system.
>FYI - an interesting selection from a list of reasons why open source
>projects don't get wide participation:
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